Thankful Turkeys

During big holiday gatherings, there is often a lull, when people are just waiting for the next thing to happen. This is often the time where feelings of awkwardness take over. People can feel disconnected because conversations are stilted or there is a lack of commonality. As a host, you can create islands of unity around activities.

I find that people most often need some help in the 2-3 hours before the meal and in the space between dinner and dessert. (In our family, there is a fair amount of time between these.)

Some of the most uplifting ways to unify people quickly are with laughter and with projects.

We’ve played Pin The Tail On The Turkey. Lots of Laughs There.

For projects, we’ve done puzzles together. Choose a puzzle that can be completed in one afternoon. We’ve also made Thankful Turkeys. This is a great activity as it includes everyone, focuses on the holiday’s theme and produces a keepsake. The steps to completion can be spread out through the day, so you have no stress about getting things done.

Before the meal, children or guests who aren’t cooking need to cut out feathers.

As each guest arrives, they are given 3-5 feathers and a marker. On each feather they are to write down a thing they are thankful for. Examples: ”CAT VIDEOS”, “FORGIVENESS”, “MY FAMILY”, “TOOTHPASTE”

The wonderfulness of this project is that you don’t have to directly oversee it. Set it on the table whenever you feel the time is right. Send any little kids toward it and ask adults to help them. If the meal has only adults, just ask people to take time to glue their feathers onto the bird, so you can remember your special meal together.


For a small gathering, you’ll probably only have enough feathers for one turkey. If you’ve got several families together, each family may take home a bird. You judge what will work best.

To create some nice depth, glue larger feathers onto the back rim of the plate and smaller feathers onto the top rim of the plate. Add eyes, beak, whatever that red thing is and any finishing touches you want.

Supplies Needed:

Glue Stick, Scissors, Marker

Small Paper plate, Odd Shaped Pieces of Colored Paper, Triangle of paper for the beak

One thing that breaks down barriers with almost anyone is to let them know about your gratitude for them. If it’s hard, make a list. Are you grateful for their smile? Are you thankful for the new perspective they bring? Are you grateful for their passion on topic X? As you wash dishes, or serve pie, take time to tell them you are grateful. Everyone is so fragile. Handle your family and other guests with lots of love.