Kids Hosting Kids- A Cultural Exchange

To pass on the philosophy of hosting, we want our kids to experience the gift of hosting. An exchange program can provide that special experience of feeling the work of preparation followed quickly by the reward of fun times with new friends. This week, we are hosting some members of the BOHAM children’s choir from Uganda. If you have kids at home, this is an opportunity you should seek out. Our kids took active roles as hosts, both in sacrificing for their guests and enjoying them.

To prepare space for three visiting girls, my boys not only gave up their room, they helped preform a complete overhaul. Everyone pitched in to make the house ready for six nights of hosting. Toys were stored out of the way to make room for an extra bed. Stuffed animals were removed, so that other people could feel comfortable on their beds. My boys even took down a scary shark poster, just in case it would make a guest nervous. (My daughter didn’t get off easy. She’s preparing her space for the next guest.) When your kids give up their room for hosting, where do they go? Your room!

They Go In Your Room!

Wednesday night we met and picked up the girls who would be our guests. We came home and my kids took over. The gave their guests a tour of the house, focusing on the room where they would be staying and the bathroom they’d be using. Of course, the pool was a major point of interest. Then they got busy with entertainment. After an hour or two of games and a break for tea, everyone was feeling comfortable and reluctant to stop their party. But laying down the law was my part, and I’m not shy about that.

Our choir guests spent their week-days with pre-set activities and were away from our home between breakfast and dinner. That meant that breakfast was eaten quickly so there would be time for a game of hide-and-seek and dinner was a short break in the middle of a running game that somehow combined tag and Legos. This also allowed my family to maintain most of our normal schedule.

Super-spouse and I originally thought that we’d need to take everyone to the ocean or into the big city on their day off, but the kids had different ideas. For their free day, the girls asked for a guitar lesson, a haircut, a swim in the pool and “to walk on those hills.” Our home is surrounded by foothills. So, that’s what we did. Pretty simple, eh? 

Actually the haircuts were pretty nerve-wracking, but my customers liked them.

As my youngest led the dinnertime blessing this evening, he thanked God for his new friends. He asked that God would keep them safe as they travel for their choir tour, and he prayed that each of them would not be too sad to leave one another. I quietly thanked God that my little one is learning to care for people all across this great world of ours.

To find out more about BOHAM children’s choir visit or have a look at their Facebook page. To receive email updates for posts on this blog, scroll down to the bottom of this page and sign up.