Preparing For Guests- Before and After

Isn’t it a good feeling to present a perfect space to an incoming guest? I don’t always get to do it, but when I do, I love that feeling. Wow it takes some hard work to get there.

Last week, my boys prepared their toy cave to be taken over by three teenage girls.

This is how the boy’s room looks on a good day.

It took a while to hide all the toys, sort through old clothes and get things spiffed up….

My daughter has been getting her room ready too. A cousin is coming to stay with us and will need a grown-up room of her own. My kids know that if you have the privilege of your own room, you have the privilege of giving it up most often. This one took a little more work! In every pile (and there were many) there was one stray sock, one coin and one eraser. It actually didn’t matter what the pile was, it still contained those things.

The Grand Entrance


Another toy cave

We worked on this together over the course of three days. The closet had to be ready for someone else’s things, the bed needed to be flipped, and we thought it would be a nice touch if someone could walk across the carpet.

A grander entrance

Ikea makes very versatile beds

Some room in the closet

Here is what my garage looked like before we started our big bedroom overhaul.

Beautiful wasn’t it?

And now…

Something had to give

I’m going to circle back on that one. Happy cleaning!