Trick or Treat Attitude

Moment of honesty, I’m not a fan of Halloween.

I just try not to be a jerk about it.

Carving pumpkins is a big, slimy hassle. I don’t like it when my kids are loaded up on sugar; they’re not sane. I don’t like gross stuff. I resent people who jump out and scare me. And I don’t want to be blackmailed by this “Trick or Treat” threat.

I have to face the facts, Halloween is coming and I can choose my attitude with my outfit. This year, I’ll probably be a Taco, with a good outlook.

My Neighbors Are All Outside!

I’ve decided to grab ahold of this unusual night out for America and do some hosting. Last year was our first year of Halloween hosting and we had so much fun, that we’ll do it again. I invite you to join us.

Don’t hide behind your front door, get out there on the driveway. Nobody is going to stand in your doorway and talk, but we have found that they like to take a few minutes in our yard.

Think about what you’re handing out.

Parents need some love too! We kept a few flats of water bottles for parents. We had a lot of grateful takers.
Let your kids host a game. We chose a bean bag toss. I made bean bags.

They were supposed to look like pumpkins…

Kids tossed the bags into a bucket. Dumb? Ugly? Maybe, but people loved it.

That’s my basket full of water bottles.

Most people just stopped and enjoyed the change of pace that a game offered. Many adults gasped a grateful “Wow! Thank you!” when they were offered water as their child scooped up chocolate. A few folks enjoyed a chat about life. A couple folks asked why we did this. Everyone left feeling welcomed and important to us, as they should.

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