Texas Embassy Updates

Even after years of living in Texas, visiting has taught me some new things. I thought I’d share them. We can all learn together. If your parents have a flock of chickens, they’ll likely have a few roosters. If they have a few roosters and you have a few children, they’re bound to meet. This won’t be a happy time, […]

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Texas Embassy

We’ve closed-up our Embassy for the season and we’re on the move! Freshly landed in Texas, and we’re giving ourselves a proper tourist experience.  Our first move was to rent the largest people mover we could get our hands on. Everything is bigger in Texas and so is our rental. What I love is that the company put XL into […]

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Shut The Door

Here’s a purely hypothetical situation. Let’s say you’re a guest and you’ve arrived after a long journey. You’re tired. You and your mate have had no rest or privacy nor much comfort at all for days on end. You’re shown to your guest room and you wearily begin to prepare for bed. Innocently enough, you happen to notice the silhouette […]

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Guesting: Damages

You came. You saw. You broke stuff. It happens. But what is a good guest, like yourself, supposed to do? First of all, be the one who calls attention to the incident. Don’t try to let it go unnoticed. This can be difficult if you have a few kids with you. They have to be coached to tell you as […]

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Guesting: Host Gifts

I’ve had a great view of a variety of guests. I’ve had guests that made me cry to say good-bye to. I’ve had guests who made me cry on purpose. I’ve begged people to stay longer and I’ve invited people to leave. Here are just a few thoughts. Do you need to bring a hosting gift? No, you do not. […]

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Guesting: Saying Thanks

I’ve had a great view of a variety of guests. I’ve had guests that made me cry to say good-bye to. I’ve had guests who made me cry on purpose. I’ve begged people to stay longer and I’ve invited people to leave. Here are just a few thoughts. Good guests say “thank you!” I’m sure you say all the right […]

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