Trick or Treat Attitude

Moment of honesty, I’m not a fan of Halloween. I just try not to be a jerk about it. Carving pumpkins is a big, slimy hassle. I don’t like it when my kids are loaded up on sugar; they’re not sane. I don’t like gross stuff. I resent people who jump out and scare me. And I don’t want to […]

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Kids Hosting Kids- A Cultural Exchange

To pass on the philosophy of hosting, we want our kids to experience the gift of hosting. An exchange program can provide that special experience of feeling the work of preparation followed quickly by the reward of fun times with new friends. This week, we are hosting some members of the BOHAM children’s choir from Uganda. If you have kids […]

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Backyard Summer Camp

My friend decided to do some very brave hosting last week. She set up a backyard Bible camp and entertained 20 children (only 2 of which were her own) for 5 days. Wow! How did this happen? Well… It all started during a conversation with the family ministry director at Cedars church, where our hero and her family go each […]

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Air Hosting

You have the right to host people in any space you occupy. You may not have the right to set them up for a night’s stay or a gourmet meal, but you can welcome people into your space. If I occupy a seat on an airplane, I can offer my welcome and influence to anyone on that row or near […]

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A Cup of Questions?

Whether you love it or hate it, another family holiday is coming. Many of my friends discuss long and awkward dinners with family members they hardly know. They dread holidays and the obligation to connect with these disconnected relatives. They feel miserable and a bit empty when it ends. In any situation you can’t just get out of, seek to […]

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Hosting A Seminar

This is how you can stretch yourself into trying new things. I recommend committing to new experiences before you think them through all the way. Then, when panic is just about to hit, make planning lists and get down to some logistics work. This technique allowed my husband and I to host a seminar on forgiveness right in our home! […]

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